What are ADA-compliant doors?

ADA-compliant means Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant. The ADA act comprises of guidelines to be followed while manufacturing equipment and furniture of all kinds, taking disabled persons into mind. Now, ADA-compliant doors are doors that follow the following build requirements:

Door opening width – at least 32 inches;

Door height – at least 80 inches ;

Projections on the door surface – not lower than 34 inches above the ground; not higher than 4 inches from the surface of the door.

When it comes to door surfaces within 10 inches of the ground, they must have a smooth surface on the push side, extending the full width of the door.

When it comes to the handles and locks, the handles and locks must be easy to grasp and not capable of scratching surfaces of the palm. Push-type mechanisms, level-operated mechanisms, and U-shaped handles are all ADA-acceptable.

Closing speed – the door should take at least 3 seconds to move a point 3inches from the latch. In essence, the closing speed must not be high at all. 

All these requirements all say one thing. ADA-compliant doors are doors that take into consideration disabled persons. They are doors that can be used easily by disabled persons.

Fines and consequences of not having your business doors ADA-compliant

The federal law in the United States provides that there is a fine of up to $75,000 for basic violations of ADA regulations and a fine of $150,000 for additional violations of ADA rules and regulations. Other fines can also be imposed by the star and regional authorities for such violations. In the long run, your business repute suffers, leading to loss of clients. 

Increase customer base with inclusive, easy-access doors.

One thing about ADA-compliant doors is that they are easily accessible. Of course, they are; even persons with a disability could easily access it. Now, if you have these doors installed in your office building, a person would easily come in and go out. This ease alone attracts people to your business premises. This way, you make new and more customers.

Improved security with new, updated doors that are also ADA-compliant

In many peoples’ opinion, they think that ADA-compliant doors are not usually security conscious. This is because they are easily accessible. But it would delight you to know that new ADA-compliant doors that are security conscious are now in place. Doors that have high tech security like smart locks and biometrics security are now ADA-compliant. You do your business a lot of good by installing these new doors.

Secure Lock & Alarm: Greater Boston & Massachusetts North Shore’s leading ADA Door Installation Expert 

Secure Lock & Alarm is an experienced and competent security service provider that can give you multiple solutions to meet your particular need(s).  If your Massachusetts business requires upgraded ADA compliant doors, contact us today for a consultation.