While watching the news, have you ever said to yourself “wow, how lucky are they to have caught this on their home camera?” It is more common than not that residential neighborhoods have cameras installed on their doorbells, mailboxes, and lamp posts. We live in a world where technology has become a crucial part of our lives, such as catching a criminal or tracking a lost pet with at-home security systems.

At first, installing a camera may feel like an invasion of privacy. But, there are many positive factors that come along with installing a camera on the outside of your home. Read further to discover a few benefits of getting a camera installed.

Protecting your home

The obvious answer. Cameras are used for protection. Installing a camera not only allows you to view the activity around your home at all times, but you can also keep a record of the footage caught on your camera. In case of wild animals, hit and runs, criminal activity, and more, cameras allow you to keep track of anything that occurs around your home that you may not always be aware of.

Keeping your neighborhood safe

Similar to protecting your own home, cameras can protect your neighborhood as well. Studies have shown that installing cameras can decrease crime rates in neighborhoods significantly. This is essential for young kids that spend time outdoors, pets that roam freely, or anything in between. 

Always having an eye on children or pets

Like mentioned above, cameras are a crucial part of keeping children and pets safe. If you have children that are old enough to play outside without your physical supervision, you can keep that element of supervision from afar. This can be important for parents who work from home, or nannies and babysitters. Pets follow suit. If your animal ever got loose, or left the yard unattended, you could track the direction they ran towards with a camera. 

Aiding the Police

One of the greatest things about having cameras installed around your home is that you can have a piece of physical evidence for the police. If there is ever an accident that occurs outside of your home, or someone uninvitingly walking around your yard, security cameras can aid the police in tracking down who, what, when, and where. 

Proof for Insurance

If there was ever a natural disaster, accident, or something that you just simply cannot explain without saying “you had to be there”, cameras can help your cause. Insurance typically covers most accidents, but for things that you cannot prove, cameras can. Spending the money to install a camera is much cheaper than having to fight the costs of what your insurance may not cover without proof of occurrence. 

Contact Us Today

If you’re looking to have a security camera installed at your house, or want to learn more about how our security systems can help you, contact us today at 978-927-6400 or send us an email at Sales@SecureLockandAlarm.com