When owning a business, it is crucial to ensure it follows the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines. This is not to show compassion and equality for others, but it is the law. Under this act, all businesses must have equal access for all people in commercial and public places, whether they are disabled, impaired, or have any other disability. This requires a comfortable and accessible place for people regardless of their ability or disability. From the walkway and ramp, entrance/exit to the door, lobby, bathroom, and so on, these spaces should be accessible for everyone and comply with the ADA guidelines. Are you looking for help on how to keep your business ADA compliant? Take a look below at some frequently asked questions on ways to do so, and contact Secure Lock & Alarm for more information on ADA requirements and keeping your home or business safe. 

What are the ADA requirements for doors?

Do you own a business and wonder what the ADA requirements are for doors? We can help! This act details how building owners can upgrade doors, handles, automatic door openers, and entryways to provide access for the disabled. There are a lot of factors that go into the ADA requirements for doors. This includes door opening width, handle height, operation, strength, and many other factors. The following are some requirements that are required for entries in commercial and public spaces to be fully ADA compliant:

ADA Door Width Requirement: 

  • The clear width of a door opening must be a minimum of 32 inches

 ADA Door Handle Requirement:

  • The door handle may be no lower than 34 inches from the floor and no higher than 48 inches above the floor

ADA Hand Operation Requirement:

  • All doors are to be able to be opened using one hand, not requiring the user to twist their wrist to open. 

ADA Strength Requirement:

  • The force needed to open the door should not be excessive. 5 pounds is the maximum weight applied to open a door. 

Are traditional door knobs ADA compliant?

We are so used to traditional door knobs on most homes and some businesses, but they are not ADA compliant. A traditional door knob requires a user to grab with their fist and turn and twist their wrist to open the door. This does not comply with the ADA guidelines because all doors should be able to be used with one hand and not a lot of grip. Door knobs that use little to no strength or turning of the wrist are ADA compliant. 

What are the ADA compliant guidelines for parking and entrances?

Each business and public area should follow the ADA guidelines for parking and entrances. Standard accessible parking spaces should be at least 8 feet wide and run the entire length of the stall. There should be a 5-foot access aisle not allowed for parking over or covering it, made for ramps or extra space to get out of the vehicle. Van-accessible spots should be 11 feet wide and run the stall’s entire length. They, too, should have a 5-foot access aisle that should not be covered, specifically on the passenger side of the van, as that is where the ramp typically lowers.

Both these types of accessible parking spots should be clearly marked handicapped in blue and white writing on the signs in front of the area and painted on the pavement. They are located closest to the entrance and easily accessible for disabled customers. Any pavement issues such as potholes or cracks must be paved immediately to prevent accidents. Every entranceway must have a ramp for disabled people whether they need a wheelchair, crutches, or have difficulty going upstairs.

How do I know if my business is ADA compliant?

If you are unsure if your business follows strict guidelines, reach out to your local locksmith for assistance! Locksmiths are the best way to understand your business’s overall safety and ensure it follows all the guidelines. It is best not to wait and decide if your business is ADA compliant. Instead, call a trusted locksmith to ensure your door is ADA compliant and your parking and entrance way. 


Contact Us

Making sure your business or public space is ADA compliant is extremely important, as it is the law. If your company does not follow the strict ADA guidelines for doors, parking, and entrances, you could risk getting a severe fine. Our trusted locksmiths at Secure Lock & Alarm can help prevent any fines or accidents in your workplace. For more information on ADA compliances, click here, or contact us today to get the right door and door hardware to keep your business ADA compliant.