Modern access control systems now use swipe cards as a necessary component since they offer a simple and secure approach to managing access to different places. Swipe cards provide a quick and easy way to authenticate whether it’s in a residential community, office building, or restricted location. The importance of these cards in strengthening security and expediting admission procedures can only be fully appreciated by understanding how they function for access control. The guide below is about swipe cards and their use for access control. Learn more and contact Secure Lock and Alarm today!

Encoded Data

The swipe card’s functionality lies in its encoded data. Each card has a magnetic stripe or proximity chip linked to the cardholder via a unique piece of data. Identification information, access rights, and other pertinent data might be included in this information. This information is written into the chip or magnetic stripe of the swipe card before issuance, establishing a digital fingerprint that permits or prohibits access as needed.

Interaction with a Card Reader

The cardholder uses a card reader when they approach an access point. Specialized machines called card readers can decode the encoded data on swipe cards. Depending on the technology being used, the engagement may differ:

Cards with Magnetic Strips

In this instance, the cardholder swipes the card through a magnetic stripe scanner. When the reader decodes the magnetic stripe data, the system compares it to the data in the access control database. The gate or door opens if the necessary details are present and access is authorized.

Access Cards

Radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology is used in these cards. A low-power radio signal is released from the card when brought close to the proximity card reader. The card reader receives this signal to evaluate access privileges, decodes the data, and connects with the central access control system.

Centralized Access Management System

Behind the scenes, a central access control system is the command center for controlling each swipe card holder’s access permissions. The database of authorized cardholders and their corresponding access rights is kept in this system. The card reader connects with the central system when a card is swiped or provided to verify the data and permissions on the card. After that, the central system notifies the card reader via a response whether access should be permitted or disallowed.

Foster Security

Swipe cards increase security in several ways. The risk of unauthorized entry is reduced in the first place because they allow organizations to offer access only to authorized people. Furthermore, the information on the swipe card may be encrypted, making it more difficult for potential attackers to copy or alter the information on the card. It is simple to instantly remove lost or stolen cards from the system, making them unusable for unauthorized access.

Bottom Line

Swipe cards offer an easy and effective approach to limiting admittance to multiple places and have revolutionized access control. These improve security and ease operations by making it easier to grant or restrict access. Secure Lock & Alarm offers their services in implementing access control solutions in Massachusetts. Contact us today and see how we can help you!